ISDH Awards: 2019
The ISDH awards a number of bursaries each year for essays, case reports or completed projects on any aspect of special care dentistry. In 2019 three awards were made, two sponsored by the Dental Health Foundation and one by DeCare Ireland.
Dental Health Foundation sponsored awards:
Annual Special Care Dental Care Professional (DCP) Award Winner: Sviatlana Anischuck.
Project Title: “Oral Health Beliefs in people living with Von Willebrand’s disease in Ireland.”

Student/ Newly Qualified Professional Award Winner: Ms Ioanna Politi
Project Title: Atraumatic Restorative Technique: An evidence based approach for the management of caries in older adult patients’.

DeCare sponsored award: June Nunn Prize Winner: Stacey Clough and Zahra Shehabi
Project Title:” Securing Special Care Dentistry through Service Development”