The ISDH are proud to announce that Dr. Alison Dougall, an honorary member of the society, will be inaugurated as the president of the International Association for Disability and Oral Health.

Dr. Glenn Pierce, MD, PhD Dr. Alison Dougall, B.Ch.D, MA, MSc.SCD Dr. Zikra  Alkhayal, BDS, MSc, FABPD Dr. M. Elvira P. Correa, D

Dr Dougall, a consultant in Special Care Dentistry, is a passionate advocate for people with disabilities in Ireland. She has helped to establish accessible dental services for intellectually and medically compromised patients in some of Dublin’s hospitals, pioneered research in the dental care of people with bleeding disorders and spearheaded not only a reconfiguration of services but also a shift in mind-set among patients, dentists and medics alike regarding the importance of good oral health for people with complex medical conditions.

The role of IADH is one of the highest honours for a professional in this field and we are privileged to have her representing Ireland on the international stage.

Remember that all ISDH members are automatically affiliated members of the IADH. If you would like to see Dr. Dougall’s inauguration, register here for the IADH general assembly.